IT-Soft - Rozwiązania IT i wielofunkcyjny szablon witryny HTML5

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shoppingBag Obroty: 168

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Stworzony: 19 sty 2021

Zaktualizowany: 4 lis 2024

Identyfikator: 157393

og体育首页ONE - Ściąganie bez limitów za 12.40$/mies

500k Przedmioty | Użytek komercyjny License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Wsparcie Dołącz, aby pobrać ten produkt  za darmo

IT-Soft – IT Solution & Business Experts HTML Template to w pełni responsywny szablon konsultingowy zbudowany na Bootstrap4 x, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, j Query. To nowoczesny szablon HTML5, który można wykorzystać na stronie konsultingowej. Jest wysoce konfigurowalny – wygląda świetnie na tabletach i urządzeniach mobilnych. Dołączyliśmy folder dokumentacji opisujący struktury kodu. Dołączyliśmy najlepsze praktyki tworzenia stron internetowych – możesz stworzyć świetny układ strony internetowej w oparciu o Bootstrap lub Grid 1170px.

Wsparcie Dream-IT Jesteśmy bardzo aktywni w zakresie wsparcia naszych klientów. I zawsze gotowi na wsparcie. Ponieważ uważamy, że to nasza odpowiedzialność. A zadowolenie klientów naszym celem. Sprawdź nasz profil i przeczytaj opinie naszych klientów na temat naszego wsparcia. Otrzymaliśmy nagrodę za wsparcie od Template og体育首页. Więc możesz uwierzyć w nasz profesjonalizm i kupić ten produkt. Mamy nadzieję, że będziesz zadowolony z produktu.

Funkcje szablonu:

  • 100% w pełni responsywny
  • Wbudowany Bootstrap 4.4.2.x
  • Wszystkie obrazy w zestawie
  • 15+ unikalnych wersji demonstracyjnych
  • 45+ stron wewnętrznych
  • Bezpłatne wsparcie
  • Dostępna wersja WordPress
  • Czysty kod
  • Już wkrótce kolejny dom
  • Wsparcie 24/7
  • Szybki, lekki i wydajny
  • Pływające menu na urządzeniach mobilnych
  • Efekty płynnego przejścia
  • Niesamowity, wyjątkowy wygląd
  • Optymalizacja między przeglądarkami
  • Zespół wsparcia jest bardzo dobry
  • Czysty i skomentowany kod
  • Elastyczny układ
  • Zaawansowana typografia
  • walidator w3c
  • Prawidłowy HTML5 i CSS3
  • Zbudowany na bazie Bootstrapa
  • Szablon pojedynczy + wielostronicowy
  • Zintegrowane z ikonami Feather
  • Niesamowity, spersonalizowany suwak
  • Proste kierowanie po stronie klienta (na podstawie strony)
  • Nieograniczone paski boczne
  • Szczegółowa dokumentacja
  • Nieograniczona liczba stron w zestawie
  • Czcionki Google

Aktualizacja 04 listopada 2024 r.

  1. Zaktualizuj ikonę Twittera.
  2. Naprawiono problem z kodowaniem i CSS.
  3. Zmień Rok.
  4. Dodano nowe kodowanie i CSS.
  5. Dołączono najnowszy plik.

11 lipca 2023

  1. Dodano nowe strony główne
  2. Dodano nowe strony wewnętrzne
  3. Dodano nowy projekt
  4. Naprawiono inne problemy
  5. Dodano nowe kodowanie i CSS
  6. Aktualizuj plik

13 kwietnia 2023 r.

  1. Dodano nowe strony główne
  2. Dodano nowe strony wewnętrzne
  3. Dodano nowy projekt

16 lutego 2023 r.

  1. Dodano nowe strony główne
  2. Dodano nowe obrazy
  3. Dodano nowe kodowanie
  4. Ulepsz projekt

07 listopada 2022

  1. Naprawiono inne problemy
  2. Dodano nowe kodowanie
  3. Modyfikuj jakość projektu

25 sierpnia 2022

  1. Ulepsz projekt
  2. Ulepszona responsywna konstrukcja
  3. Dodano nowy preloader
  4. Dodano nowe obrazy
  5. Dodano nowe kodowanie i CSS

Aktualizacja z 30 maja 2022 r.

  1. Dodano stronę Misja Wizja
  2. Dodano stronę Kariery
  3. Dodano stronę ze szczegółami kariery
  4. Dodano nowy obraz
  5. Dodano nowe kodowanie i CSS

Aktualizacja z 25 lipca 2022 r.

  1. Dodano nowe kodowanie
  2. Dodano nowy CSS
  3. Dodano nowy obraz
  4. Naprawiono inne problemy

Aktualizacja z 07 października 2021 r.

  1. Dodano nowe 2 demo
  2. Aktualizuj nowy plik

Aktualizacja z 19 września 2021 r.

  1. Dodano nowe 2 demo
  2. Dodano strony wewnętrzne
  3. Naprawiono problem z CSS

Aktualizacja z 19 maja 2021 r.

01. Ponownie dodano 3 nowe wersje demonstracyjne

01. Aktualizuj wszystkie wersje

Aktualizacja z 04 marca 2021 r.

01. Dodano nowe 4 wersje demonstracyjne

02. Naprawiono kolejny problem

Aktualizacja z 06.06.2024 r.

01. Dodano nowe 2 wersje demonstracyjne

02. Naprawiono kolejny problem

Aktualizacja z 03 sierpnia 2024 r.

01. Dodano ikonę aktualizacji Twittera.

02. Naprawiono kolejny problem

Aktualizacja z 28 sierpnia 2024 r.

01. Dodano ikonę aktualizacji Twittera.

02. Naprawiono kolejny problem

Lista zmian

19 September 2021 Update New 2 Demo Added Inner Pages Added Fixed CSS Issue 19 May 2021 Update

  1. Again 3 New Demo Added

  2. Update All Version

04 March 2021 Update 01. Added New 4 Demo 02. Fixed Another Issue

07 October 2021 Update 01. New 2 Demo Added 02. Update New File

24/11/2021 01. Added Some New Demos

30 May 2022 Update Mission Vision Page Added Career Page Added Career Details Page Added New Image Added New Coding & CSS Added

25 July 2022 Update New Coding Added New CSS Added New Image Added Fixed Others Issue

25 August 2022

Improve Design Responsive Design Improve New Prelodear Added New Images Added New Coding & CSS Added

16 February 2023 New Home Pages Added New Images Added New Coding Added Improve Design

13 April 2023 New Home Pages Added New Inner Pages Added New Design Added

11 July 2023 New Home Pages Added New Inner Pages Added New Design Added Fixed Others Issue New Coding & CSS Added Update File

Updated 27-08-2023 New Inner Pages Added New Coding and CSS Added New Images Added Fixed Others Issue

Update 19 February 2024 New Landing Pages Added New Animation Added Fixed Others issue New Coding and CSS Added

Update 24 Jun 2024 New 2 Home Pages Added New Animation Added Fixed Others issue New Coding and CSS Added

Update 03 August 2024 Update Twitter icon Added Fixed Others issue New Coding and CSS Added

Update 28 August 2024 Update Twitter icon Added Fixed Others issue

Update 04 November 2024 Fixed the Coding and CSS Issue. Update the Twitter icon. Update The Year. New Coding & CSS Added. Included the latest file.

Liczba recenzji dla tego produktu 7

I had an issue at first but the author help me fix the problem
The product was well commented and it adapted well to various screen sizes. It has a lot of images and template pages to choose from and it is easy to mix and match. It had some errors in its console.log which were solved immediately by the author. The template could additionally use some css variables in order to avoid changing colors, for example, in many places in the code. Finally, some components in the DOM need to be altered in order to be aligned correctly which requires a bit of manual work. Generally, I enjoyed the template and I got what I expected!
I want to point out right away that the author responded to my request for help although I have yet to receive an update yet. There are a bunch of corrupt images in the template and I listed every one of them and simply asked for replacements. The author wanted to have a meeting about it and then wanted me to meet late during my timezone and then wasn't available. Once corrected I will give this template a FAR better review. It just seems that it should be an easy fix when I have given a list of exact files which are corrupt and these files can even be seen as not appearing when you view the live demo on Template og体育首页. So it's not just my download. It's inherent to the template. These are the files which are corrupt: The live preview on the template monster website has the same issue as the downloaded copy. For example, try to look at the following images: assets\images\about\banner-2.jpg assets\images\about\001.png assets\images\about\about image.png assets\images\about\about-bg.jpg assets\images\about\angle.png assets\images\about\back2.png assets\images\about\back3.png assets\images\about\banner-3.png assets\images\about\banner-4.jpg assets\images\about\blog-1.png assets\images\about\blog-2.png assets\images\about\counter-bg.png assets\images\about\shape2.png assets\images\about\vice5.png assets\images\ssion.jpg assets\images\hero\slider-2.png The flaticon.css file is also wrong. There are about 47 icons listed and then a blank line on line: 80. Then at line 81 they start another list of icons which just looks like it should be a continuation of the list before the blank line but these next 21 icons listed have different class names but for their content which determines which icon will actually show up, it's just repeated content from the list before the blank line. Also wondering if they paid for flaticon pack because I did not buy a template only to be required to put attribution for the icon pack and other 3rd party items they used on my website. That should be taken care of by them. .flaticon-report:before { content: \f100; } .flaticon-clock:before { content: \f101; } .flaticon-call:before { content: \f102; } .flaticon-tourism:before { content: \f103; } .flaticon-process:before { content: \f104; } .flaticon-data:before { content: \f105; } .flaticon-global:before { content: \f106; } .flaticon-system:before { content: \f107; } .flaticon-padlock:before { content: \f108; } .flaticon-process-1:before { content: \f109; } .flaticon-data-1:before { content: \f10a; } .flaticon-work:before { content: \f10b; } .flaticon-data-analytics:before { content: \f10c; } .flaticon-chart:before { content: \f10d; } .flaticon-algorithm:before { content: \f10e; } .flaticon-data-2:before { content: \f10f; } .flaticon-clock-1:before { content: \f110; } .flaticon-microchip:before { content: \f111; } .flaticon-server:before { content: \f112; } .flaticon-24h:before { content: \f113; } .flaticon-global-1:before { content: \f114; } .flaticon-business-and-finance:before { content: \f115; } .flaticon-space:before { content: \f116; } .flaticon-information:before { content: \f117; } .flaticon-privacy:before { content: \f118; } .flaticon-alert:before { content: \f119; } .flaticon-online-library:before { content: \f11a; } .flaticon-info:before { content: \f11b; } .flaticon-interaction:before { content: \f11c; } .flaticon-mobile-app:before { content: \f11d; } .flaticon-code:before { content: \f11e; } .flaticon-developer:before { content: \f11f; } .flaticon-intelligent:before { content: \f120; } .flaticon-content:before { content: \f121; } .flaticon-laptop:before { content: \f122; } .flaticon-web:before { content: \f123; } .flaticon-content-writing:before { content: \f124; } .flaticon-computer:before { content: \f125; } .flaticon-computer-1:before { content: \f126; } .flaticon-graphic-design:before { content: \f127; } .flaticon-analysis:before { content: \f128; } .flaticon-bar-chart:before { content: \f129; } .flaticon-analytics:before { content: \f12a; } .flaticon-ui:before { content: \f12b; } .flaticon-resume:before { content: \f12c; } .flaticon-taxi:before { content: \f12d; } .flaticon-online-shop:before { content: \f12e; } .flaticon-smartphone:before { content: \f12f; } .flaticon-next-1:before { content: \f100; } .flaticon-back:before { content: \f101; } .flaticon-next:before { content: \f102; } .flaticon-back-1:before { content: \f103; } .flaticon-respect:before { content: \f104; } .flaticon-briefcase:before { content: \f105; } .flaticon-graduation-hat:before { content: \f106; } .flaticon-left-quote:before { content: \f107; } .flaticon-aeroplane:before { content: \f108; } .flaticon-jet:before { content: \f109; } .flaticon-phone-call-1:before { content: \f10a; } .flaticon-phone-call:before { content: \f10b; } .flaticon-customer-service:before { content: \f10c; } .flaticon-speech-bubble:before { content: \f10d; } .flaticon-shopping-basket:before { content: \f10e; } .flaticon-mail:before { content: \f10f; } .flaticon-graph:before { content: \f110; } .flaticon-compass:before { content: \f111; } .flaticon-home:before { content: \f112; } .flaticon-lifebuoy:before { content: \f113; } .flaticon-time:before { content: \f114; }
Hello Sir, I am disappointed for the delay response. Sir from 18 july In our country no internet service for political issue. The political party destroyed our full internet system in our whole country. Internet Was not active In our full country. That why we was out of network. And still the internet no run properly. Just some place internet is running and also its not enough for work because its very very slow. If you saw TV news About Bangladesh then i hope you could understand what happened here. Please watch the video.
the support team was AWESOME and SO fast to reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they really went above n' beyond to help with one issue i was having in a section!!!!! THANKS again!!!! MUCHLY appreciated!!!!!!!
Fully Responsive Template built on Bootstrap4 x, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. Modern HTML5 template. This is highly customizable.
I am very glad with you for your awesome feedback...

0 Komentarzy do tego produktu

O autorze

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,4 /5
Support rating (406 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 340 4 8 3 5 2 4 1 49
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik
